Buying a fixed-price NFT
To purchase an NFT on Minted, you’ll need to connect your cryptocurrency wallet first. Install one of the suggested wallets and ensure that you have sufficient funds for the NFT itself and gas fees to complete the transaction.
Browse through Minted’s selection of NFTs. Once you find a fixed-price listing that catches your eye, here’s how you can go about purchasing it:
Click Buy Now.
Select which cryptocurrency you’d like to pay with. You can pay with WCRO, CRO, or a combination of both tokens. For NFTs hosted on Ethereum, you’ll need to pay with WETH, ETH, or a mix of both tokens. To confirm your purchase, click Buy.
Approve the transaction in your wallet to finalise your NFT purchase.
*Note: If you haven’t enabled wrapped token spending and opted to use a wrapped token for payment, you will need to grant permission in your wallet to access wrapped tokens for the first time. For first-time NFT buyers, you will have to approve a separate transaction to enable access to your wallet.
Last updated