Token Airdrop Tool
Connect your wallet
Fill the needed information
Enter Token Address
Enter token address that you want to distribute in your selected chain
Select Distribution Method
Same amount: send the same token amount for all entered recipient wallet addresses
Specific amounts: send specific token amount to particular recipient wallet addresses
Enter Recipient Wallet Addresses & token amount (unit as input in 6.a.)
Same amount:
Format 1: Enter one recipient wallet address per line
Format 2: Enter all recipient wallet addresses in the same line and separate by comma
Specific amount:
Format 1: Enter one recipient wallet address & token amount in the same line and separate by comma, for example, 0xAddress_0,amount
Format 2: Enter all pairs of recipient wallet address & token amount in the same line and separate each pair by semicolon, for example, 0xAddress_0,amount;0xAddress_1,amount;0xAddress_2,amount;
Please note there is maximum of 500 addresses can be proceed per transaction
Confirm the total amount distributed & wallet addresses
Enable Airdrop
Last updated