Trading Rewards

Launch Notes: 

Listing and Trading rewards will be individually calculated and distributed daily, at approximately 01:00 UTC.

When you purchase or sell an NFT, you may be eligible for trading rewards.


The Minted team is dedicated to rewarding loyal customers and supporters of our platform.

Instead of deciding which NFTs are eligible for a certain day, we will make all NFTs eligible, bar collections that have zero creator royalty; this is to discourage wash trading and ensure that trading rewards are fairly distributed to users with genuine transactions on Minted.

Rewards calculation

There will be no complicated points system, partnerships, or other fancy mechanics - trading rewards are distributed purely on trading volume.

We will reward both the seller and the buyer of an NFT equally. Rewards will be calculated as per the following formulae:

User’s selling rewards = (User’s past 24h sold volume / All users’ past 24h trading volume) * (Daily MTD Trading Reward / 2)

User’s purchasing rewards = (User’s past 24h purchase volume / All users’ past 24h trading volume) * (Daily MTD Trading Reward / 2)

User’s trading rewards = User’s selling rewards + User’s purchasing rewards

A snapshot will occur daily at the end of each 24-hour period (UTC). Calculations will occur and trading rewards will be distributed afterwards.

  • Day 1: Trading Volume accumulation (00:00 UTC - 23:59 UTC)

  • Day 2: Calculations occur and trading rewards will be distributed to the respective users

Trading rewards will be issued daily, with a snapshot to capture the volume of the past 24 hours at approximately 01:00 UTC everyday.

Last updated